Twilight Talk: Supporting Children and Young People with PANS and PANDAS in Educational Settings
- Online
- 10 Feb 2025 (16:00 - 17:00)
In this talk Tina Coope from the charity PANS PANDAS UK will discuss:
- What are PANS and PANDAS?
- How do the conditions impact on children and young people in the classroom?
- How can schools begin to provide support?
There are currently generally low levels of awareness about PANS and PANDAS amongst education professionals, including how these conditions can impact on a child’s ability to learn and manage the school environment.
Schools have a crucial role in both spotting the early signs of the condition and providing the right support and understanding. Putting in early support can make a real difference to a child’s educational outcomes.
Tina will discuss how this can be done to support the children and young people in the classroom, their family and ensure they are thriving.
Tina Coope, a former teacher and parent with extensive experience in special and mainstream education, initially became volunteer Education Lead at PANS PANDAS UK in 2021. She developed the UK's first teacher training on PANS and PANDAS and has created multiple professional resources.
You can read more about our Twilight Talks sessions on our dedicated page.
Suitable for: A parent/carer, Administration Staff, Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Early Years Practitioner, Education psychologist, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, Other, SENCO, Senior Leader, Student, Support staff, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Young person

Meet your trainer
Tina Coope
Tina Coope, a former teacher and parent with extensive experience in special and mainstream education, initially became volunteer Education Lead at PANS PANDAS UK in 2021. She developed the UK's first teacher training on PANS and PANDAS and has created multiple professional resources.