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The Engagement Model will become statutory from September 2021 rather than 2020

Following the Rochford Review, it was decided that the P scales are to be replaced for end of key stage statutory assessment for pupils working below the standard of National Curriculum assessments. For pupils working within P scales 1-4 (i.e. non-subject specific learning), the Engagement Model was chosen (see guidance).

It was intended that the model would become statutory from September 2020, for the academic year 2020-21. However, due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak, the Department for Education has recognised that some schools may be less prepared to implement this and has decided to make 2020-21 a transitionary year. This means that schools will have time to prepare got and start embedding the model by using the engagement areas to observe and assess individual pupils and evaluating their curriculum. There will be a flexible approach for the submissions of teacher assessment outcomes at the end of KS1 and KS2: schools that have used the Engagement Model will be able to report against it, and schools that need more time to implement the change will continue to have the option of reporting against P1-P4, for one final year.

The Engagement Model will then become statutory from September 2021.