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Information on ‘school funding: exceptional costs associated with coronavirus’


The DfE has released guidance on the financial support being put in place for schools in the period March – July 2020.

Core funding allocations will continue; LAs will continue to receive their high needs budgets and should continue to pay top-up and other high needs funding to schools. Where schools pay for pupils to attend AP or SEND services, these payments should continue. The additional funding is not intended to cover any additional costs relating to changes in SEND provision organised by LAs for children and young people with EHC plans.

Funding will be available to cover costs relating to specific items that are necessary to allow schools to provide support to those children who continue to attend school. These could include increased premises-related costs, support for free school meals for children not attending school, if not covered by the FSM voucher scheme, and additional cleaning. It is not clear that other costs, such as additional staffing costs, transport costs etc will be covered. Schools should contact to find out if their such costs will be covered. There are limits on the costs which can be claimed, based on type and size of school. Schools are expected to keep records of any expenditure which may need to be claimed. It is suggested that schools who have unavoidable additional staffing costs should discuss these with their Regional School Commissioner.