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INVITATION TO TENDER (ITT) - Deployment of specialists in mainstream settings

INVITATION TO TENDER (ITT) to produce a set of resources to inform SENCos and mainstream school teachers and leaders about options for the commissioning and deployment of  education psychologists (EPs) and speech and language therapists (SaLTs), to support early identification of children with SEND and the development of inclusive universal provision and strategic SEN Support provision.

The aim of this project is to increase awareness amongst school leaders of the wider range of support available to schools to enrich their provision at the whole school (universal) and SEN Support level. This should help support wider DfE aims to improve early intervention and enable SENCos to support school and MAT leaders in making decisions about investment in specialist provision. The outputs will draw on a range of practice examples identified and presented by the subcontractor.

It is anticipated that the outputs of this project will be:

  1. A concise and accessible report for SENCos and other leaders of SEND which outlines successful commissioning and deployment approaches for education psychologists and speech and language therapists and the possible benefits for doing so
  2. A launch blog summarising the benefits and impact specialists can make in primary and secondary mainstreams settings
  3. An editable PowerPoint with notes for SENCos to adapt to present to Senior Leadership Teams (SLT) colleagues and governors when securing investment for specialists

These outputs will be published on the SEND gateway and disseminated to the WSS community of practice.

The precise nature of the outputs will be confirmed at contract award. A DfE Research colleague and DfE contract management colleague will be involved in the tender sift.

The value of this strand of the contract is up to a maximum of £25,000 exclusive of VAT.

The closing date for tenders to be received is 5th August 2020 at 10am. Tenders should be emailed to nasen will acknowledge the receipt of your tender by email. The contracts will be awarded 14th August 2020.

Key personnel for this tender are:

Director – Whole School SEND: Anne Heavey

Chair – Whole School SEND: Dr Adam Boddison

Head of Programmes – Whole School SEND: Harriet Hannan

If you would like to register your interest or have any questions about this project, then please address these to as soon as possible. Answers to all questions submitted will be shared with all those who register interest with Harriet Hannan on 27th July 2020.