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Key Stage 4 Performance 2019 (revised) report

Key Stage 4 Performance 2019 (revised) report reveals pupils with SEN perform markedly worse than pupils with no SEN across all headline measures of attainment.

According to the Key Stage 4 Performance 2019 (revised) report published on 6th February by the DfE, the general pattern of attainment differences for Attainment 8 remained the same as in 2018. The widest difference remains between pupils with SEN and those with no identified needs, with a difference of 22.3 points, similar to last year (22.6 points).

Pupils with SEN include those with SEN Support, with Statements of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan. 14.2% of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 had a special educational need in 2019 compared to 14.0% in 2018.

The attainment difference between pupils with SEN compared to pupils with no identified special educational need remains the largest difference of all characteristic groups (including gender, disadvantage and a first language other than English) Pupils with SEN perform markedly worse than pupils with no special educational need across all headline measures of attainment (Progress 8, E Bacc entry and English and Maths Grades 9-5)