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Call for evidence: Supporting young people with Vision Impairment

nasen is proud to be working on a project with funding from the Thomas Pocklington Trust to develop a hub of resources and produce two webinars to enable practitioners to be more confident and know the best practice out there to support young people with vision impairment (VI) in post-16 schools, training providers and Further Education colleges.

four students sitting at a desk with notepads

Call for evidence

We are putting a call out for professionals, experts by experience, parent/carers, those who work closely with young people with VI to provide tools, resources and case studies of what has worked for them, their setting or an individual they have worked with to ensure that they have had a good experience of transition and ongoing support in FE. For example, we want to hear from you if:

  • Your setting has begun to embed the Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with VI and you have a case study or lived experience of the impact it is having
  • You have worked with a QTVI and redesigned your environment, curriculum or undertaken widespread staff training.
  • You are an individual at a post-16 FE school or college that has had a superb experience of transition and how it worked for you
  • You are a parent and have been supported through the process of transition effectively by a setting
  • You have a checklist you use at transition for all pupils that works especially well for students with SEN and those with VI that would support other settings
  • You have employed some assistive technology that is transformative for the young person in either their academic, personal or social independence

How will examples of best practice be used?

These submissions will feature on the nasen website and may be utilised in the webinars to illustrate best practice. Submissions could be written, audio or video. Please ensure you indicate your consent for sharing your examples of best practice by ticking the consent boxes on the form below.  

At the heart of this project is ensuring fair and equitable access and support for young people with VI and providing them with the opportunities that all young people should be entitled to. If you would like to discuss the programme further, or to discuss providing information in the best format possible then please email We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Submit your evidence of best practice today

Type of setting
Please upload documents to support your evidence of best practice. 
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Please upload documents to support your evidence of best practice. 
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Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Please upload documents to support your evidence of best practice. 
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50 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.