nasen Awards 2022 Winners
Winners of nasen’s sixth annual Awards were revealed in a glittering celebration at the Grand Hotel in Birmingham with 18 schools, individuals and organisations winning accolades for their outstanding work to ensure that children and young people with SEND and learning differences reach their full potential.
Find out more about our chosen winners below.

Lifetime Achievement

Alex Griffiths
Award for Early Years Provision 2022
Sponsored by Nursery World
The Kids Planet SEND Team are a two-year-old trailblazing, dedicated, passionate and supportive team, going above and beyond through improving practice and training to provide exceptional SEND support to ensure high aspirations for all children and families is embedded across 120 settings, championing strengths and success

Kids Planet SEND Team
Award for Early Years Provision 2022
Sponsored by Nursery World
SEND to Learn provide outstanding inclusive Nursery education for all children. They cater for children with complex medical needs and learning disabilities alongside children who are following a more expected developmental pathway. They provide individualised care and education which allows all their children to progress and experience activities.

SEND to Learn
Award for Primary Provision 2022
Sponsored by IDL
Westlea is a highly inclusive school and pride themselves on successfully integrating children with substantial needs into the full life of their school. The school not only focuses on providing an education but preparing the children for life and society. Their expertise with SEND children also attracts parents from outside of their catchment area who wish to send their children to them.
Unfortunately Westlea were unable to attend the award ceremony so nasen will send them their award in the post.

Westlea Primary School
Award for Secondary Provision 2022
Sponsored by Texthelp
Upton-by-Chester High School are mainstream school with a cohort of 11-18 learners, with approx. 1790 on roll. 11% of learners are on the SEN register. Under the leadership of Lee Cummins (Headteacher & former SENCo), they have designed a Supportive Education dept. that is truly inspiring and fully inclusive. Significant investment has allowed the creation of a sensory garden, sensory room, and a small animal farm.

Upton-by-Chester High School
Award for 16-25 Provision 2022
Sponsored by Education and Training Foundation (ETF)
Harrison College are a specialist business, enterprise, and employability post-16 education provision for students with Autism, Asperger’s, and other special educational needs. Their ethos is to prepare students for employability and to help them overcome their previous barriers to achieving. They provide a bespoke and tailored timetable of activities to move our students swiftly onto the next progressive small step or challenge. Through trusting, positive relationships in a safe and supportive environment, student’s potentials are unlocked.

Harrison College
Award for Specialist Provision 2022
Sponsored by Christie & Co
Moonhall School is an outstanding specialist school for children with dyslexia. The school work tirelessly to regain pupil confidence; celebrate those things they are good at and support with the things they find tough. The equilibrium between academic aspirations and pastoral nurture are refined by their excellent staff and in their individualised plans for their pupils. The school have removed academic lessons on a Friday afternoon, and focus on activities, which means they are bursting with happiness, excitement, and engagement, from both pupils and staff!

Moon Hall School
Award for Co-production 2022
Sponsored by Seashell trust
This group of young people have a lived experience, and their ideas and thinking has driven a first rate practical resource. In addition to this guide, which is now being rolled out across the midlands region and beyond, the group has led the way in enabling our schools and other services to understand how to support young people with additional needs to live the lives that they want to live. LYV go above and beyond in supporting other young people both within Lincolnshire, and sharing their learning and resources beyond Lincolnshire.

Lincolnshire Young Voices
Award for Young Person Under 16 2022
Sponsored by senploy
Ashley Webber is a student at Phoenix Park Academy and has an EHCP with a primary need of SEMH. Since joining Phoenix Park, Ashley has completely changed his attitude to learning and his behaviour in the community. He has completed all work as part of his reparation order and is no longer engaging in anti-social behaviour in the community.
Ashley has shown an incredible determination to improve his SEMH skills, for example he will actively ask for additional work at home now to show how he is willing to try work independently or improve his resilience. Staff are so impressed with this progress made by Ashley that discussions are now being had regarding a reintegration to mainstream.
Unfortunately Ashley was unable to attend the award ceremony so nasen will send him his award in the post.

Ashley Webber
Award for Young Person Over 17 2022
Sponsored by Seashell Trust
From a very young age Faizan has been a social butterfly – he loves meeting people and people love meeting him. He loves being the centre of attention and has, without a doubt, inspired thousands of people around the world with his videos, which tell the story of the many barriers to learning he’s had to overcome, and the day-to-day stress that can be caused by living with a stammer and learning differences.

Faizan Sheikh
Award for Young Person Over 17 2022
Sponsored by Seashell Trust
Joshua has been at Castledon – a setting that supports young people with learning difficulties and complex needs – for a number of years. Sensory processing difficulties and learning needs never impede his determination to achieve, and a love of the outdoors and ability to interact with visitors allowed him to quickly find his niche at Wat Tyler Country Park. Since joining a trial to see whether community placements and outdoor learning were beneficial to learners with SEN, Josh has dedicated three years, and over 600 hours to the country park, and has contributed to many significant environmental conservation projects, including the largest treeplanting programme in Basildon Borough this century, coppicing forest land, and maintaining natural habitats and bird hydes.
Unfortunately Joshua was unable to attend the award ceremony so nasen will send them their award in the post.

Joshua Earnshaw Potts
Award for SEND Leader 2022
Sponsored by NEU
Pearl has worked tirelessly to support children and young people with SEND needs for over 20 years, originally becoming interested in SEN because of her experiences of accessing occupational and speech and language therapy for her son. Pearl realised that cuts in these services were preventing children from accessing education, and embarked on a Masters in SEN.

Pearl Barnes
Award for Learning Support Staff Member 2022
Sponsored by Axcis
Pat has dedicated 24 years to supporting students with SEND across a range of primary and secondary settings, including most recently at Minsthorpe Community College. Pat has the unique ability to build a relationship of trust with students who are ‘closed books’ to other adults.
Pat listens. Pat encourages. Pat empathises. Pat challenges. Pat cares. The most vulnerable students recognise this and respond to her in a way that they struggle to do with other adults.

Patricia Hetherington
Award for Teacher 2022
Sponsored by SENDcast
Recognising that her local special schools lacked capacity, Jemini set about getting the training and skills she needed to make her mainstream school, Whitefriars, more accessible to all children, including the 20% who require additional support. She soon started taking on additional projects, and got staff on board with the vision of inclusion.
She worked hard with her colleagues to ensure that every child on the SEN register had the benefit of tailored planning, and she established provisions such as sensory circuits, a learning lounge, nurture groups and enrichment clubs. She encouraged all staff to have high expectations of all children and she developed collaborative approaches that enabled all pupils to access the curriculum. The result was an inclusive, engaging and stimulating experience for all with improved outcomes for all learners.

Jemini Patel
Award for Technology 2022
Sponsored by Scanning Pens
The schools within the Skylark Partnership AV1 Project provide education for children and young people with medical and mental health difficulties, including those in hospitals. Their AV1 robot project supports children to engage in education whilst unwell, remain connected to their school, and to smoothly transition back when they are well enough to return.
AV1 is ‘warm technology’. As such, it doesn’t aim to replace teachers but to promote a sense of belonging and reduce the isolation that a child or young person may experience when recovering or receiving treatment for life-threatening or life-limiting conditions.

Skylark Partnership AV1 Project
Award for Teacher Development in Digital Accessibility 2022
Sponsored by Scanning Pens
The Additional Learning Support (ALS) Team at Oldham College have gone from strength to strength with their mission of empowering learners and staff to live productive, independent and dignified lives with the use of Assistive Technology (AT).
Progress has been accelerated by the introduction of a dedicated assistive technologist who is driving confidence and ambition. Along with a network of AT (Assistive Technology) champions, they showcase the effective use of technology across the campus, and in the academic year 2021-22, over 1180 staff and students embraced the use of AT.

Oldham College
Award for Publication 2022 (In memory of David Ryan)
Sponsored by concero
SENDcast was created in response to the expectations for SENCOs and teachers to have extensive knowledge of an ever-increasing range of areas and changes within SEN. A free podcast is released each week during term time, and with over 100 episodes now available, it’s no surprise that the variety of topics covered is vast. Episode titles range from My Mummy is Autistic to Bullies, Victims and Bystanders, and even Student Icebergs.

Award for International Provision 2022
Sponsored by ICEP Europe
Based in Bonny Island, Nigeria, the RA International school (RAIS) established its Learning Support Unit just 10 years ago against a backdrop of limited understanding and unrealistic expectations that had led to many children receiving woefully inadequate support. In a national system where special educational needs receives limited provision and funding, the SEN unit worked hard to overcome the challenges they faced – they trained the teaching staff, created new resources where none had existed, and won the trust of parents, here there had once been hostility.

RA International School, Bonny Island, Nigeria
Award for Person of the Year 2022
Sponsored by Rockerbox News
Philippa has dedicated her entire career to improving outcomes for children with SEND. She started professional life as a teacher and inspector, and has since spent over three decades at the Council for Disabled Children, where she is recognised as a powerful and prolific advocate for the children at the heart of her work.
A tireless campaigner for change when it is needed, Philippa set up the Special Educational Consortium (SEC) to create a national campaign and lobbying voice for the disabled children’s sector. Under her guidance and leadership, SEC brought about a number of important changes to the Children and Families Act in 2014.