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Children posted around the care system

A report by the Children’s Commissioner in December 2019 concluded that 30 years on from the Children Act 1989, legislation that aimed to promote ‘a sense of security, continuity, commitment, identity and belonging for children in care’, far from the current reality for many.

‘’I feel like a parcel getting moved around all the time, getting opened up and sent back and moved on to somewhere else’’ Teenage girl, in care over 100 miles from home.

The report called for Immediate action to be taken to protect the rights of children in care who have been disadvantaged by being sent long distances from home and that a ‘fundamental review is required to look at repairing a broken system’.

Recommendations included;

  • That the Government makes children in care outside their local area a specific subject in its upcoming review of the care system
  • The DfE should update guidance for the training and development of staff in children’s homes so that a focus on children’s immediate safety does not compromise their emotional wellbeing
  • Ofsted should ensure that its inspections of local authority children’s services effectively capture the experiences of children living away from their hometowns