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New Employ Autism Toolkits published

Ambitious about Autism, The Autism Education Trust and the Department for Education have worked together to produce four toolkits to help more autistic young people access sustainable and meaningful employment opportunities.

The toolkits have been co-produced with youth patrons as experts by experience. The resources are suitable for autistic young people, their parents/carers, education professionals, careers advisors and employers.

There are four separate toolkits:

  • Transition to employment toolkit
  • Toolkit for professionals
  • Toolkit for young people
  • Toolkit for employers

Each toolkit has information and resources designed to support young people at each stage in their employment journey and to use alongside young people to inform professionals or employers to understand their needs better. There are also resources to support employers to review their recruitment practices and identify workplace adjustments to increase access and participation for autistic young people and adults.