Study looking at improving health of young people with SEND
The HOPE study (Health Outcomes of young People throughout Education) is investigating the impact of adjustments for young people with SEND on their health using linked education and hospital data. The study is being conduced by UCL through funding from the National Institute for Health Research Programme. The study hopes to establish methods and tools for ongoing monitoring and improvement of services for better health and wellbeing in children and young people with SEND. The study has a questionnaire that has been designed with the members of the FLARE group to capture the views of children and young people, parents and carers and stakeholders, professionals working in education, health and for local authorities.
The HOPE study will assess whether the intensity and duration of the type of support provided to children with additional needs improves health as well as participation in school activities, for example by reducing absence due to health difficulties. They aim to understand whether SEND provision leads to improved health, by measuring the number of hospital contacts or admissions in children with and without the level of SEND provision that would be expected for their health condition. The findings should enable policy makers, service providers and users to make evidence-informed decisions about the benefits of SEND provision for health and education, and which children benefit.