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Support for Local Areas to review their joint working

The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) have designed a systems checklist and audit tool that supports local areas with a framework for assessing their progress towards effective joint working. The purpose of this tool is to support joint working between Local Authorities and health partners. It pulls together in one place the key pieces of evidence that the local area will wish to assure themselves on and provide a high-level overview of its progress. The sections are divided into the 5 key areas of the role of a local area supporting children with SEND.

The tool presents this information in an easily accessible “at a glance” Red, Amber, Green (RAG) rating system to update the relevant board on progress. It also includes a facility for a follow up audit which enables the responsible officers to demonstrate trends in delivery and flag up any areas which are not moving towards full compliance. The checklist prompts a RAG rating against key indicators under the following headings:

  • Leadership
  • SEND Arrangements
  • Support
  • Engagement and co-production
  • Impact