ISO 9001 Certification
nasen is pleased to have obtained the revised standard ISO9001:2015. ISO 9001 is the international standard that defines the requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS). A Quality Management System enables organisations to manage their processes and systems in order that customer and other stakeholder requirements can be achieved. At its core is the principle of continuous improvement.
ISO aims to ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. Whilst ISO certification does not guarantee product quality it does ensure that the processes that surround the product are controlled and performed in a consistent manner.

The Equality and Diversity Working Group
This is an internal group to discuss and action change on equality, diversity, accessibility and inclusion within nasen. It's a safe space for nasen and Whole School SEND (WSS) colleagues to talk about their experiences of equality and diversity, and to identify solutions to take forward to senior leaders and trustees.
We meet once a quarter and have an Action Group, with one representative from each team in nasen, which meets once a month to follow up on actions we have agreed on. In recent months, we have advocated for several proposals both small and large-scale. For example, we recently suggested changes to email signatures to include pronouns and other identifiers people wish to disclose and have produced a draft of an internal equality and diversity monitoring form which we hope will produce a baseline of data on our inclusivity.
If anyone is interested in what we do and would like to find out more, please email membership.