The NASENCO Award is not owned by nasen, however we recognise the quality of this Masters level award and the depth of knowledge and understanding that it delivers.

Until September 2014, the DfE accredited 24 providers to deliver the NASENCo Award, who are all listed on the DfE website.
The accreditation of providers and funding for schools ceased in 2014 and in order to preserve the high standard and quality of NASENCo training the previously accredited NASENCo providers formed themselves into a provider group network. Since September 2014, head teachers and SENCos can choose to engage with any provider delivering NASENCo training, previously accredited DfE providers or new training providers, in an open market.
The previously accredited providers felt they needed to safeguard the quality of the award and be able to assure those purchasing NASENCo training that they were engaging with providers offering quality training.
The SEND and AP Improvement Plan (March 2023) removes the statutory nature of the NASENCo and introduces a National Professional Qualification (NPQ) for SEND, which will be mandatory. nasen continues to support the NASENCO as a respected and important Level 7 qualification for SENCOs wishing to study SEND and inclusion at a higher level.

The NASENCo Provider Group was formed in September 2014 with the support of nasen. The providers meet on a voluntary basis twice a year, with a commitment to continue working together to preserve the quality of NASENCo training offered to SENCos in a free market.
In March 2018 the providers applied to Companies House to form a Community Interest Group: Leading Learning for Special Educational Needs Community Interest Group.
The Group was endorsed by Companies House in July 2018. It is a non-profit organisation charging a small yearly fee to member providers to support costs and future development.