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Book your SEND review

A SEND Review helps to ensure that all children and young people thrive and achieve their very best outcomes.

Our SEND Review options help you to prepare and create a better understanding of what may be needed in your setting to develop inclusive provision and practice.

We offer:

  • Extensive SEND Reviews conducted by nasen specialists
  • SEND Review training for leaders within your setting
  • A quality assurance check
A stock image of three children in a classroom

Extensive SEND Reviews conducted by nasen specialists

from £1,700

nasen will visit your setting and conduct a comprehensive review of SEND provision, using data gathered by your school, as well as reviewing provision and meeting with setting colleagues, governors, learners and families. We will identify strengths in practice, areas for development and recommendations for improvement. You will receive verbal feedback and a written report designed to feed into school improvement planning.

Above price excludes VAT, travel and subsistence

LIMITED OFFER: This purchase comes with a 1 year SEND CPD on Demand school subscription and a 10% discount on any further purchases from nasen for 6 months.

male teacher supporting a pupil in classroom

SEND Review Training for leaders within your setting 

from £1,200

This training is for leaders who want to be able to review SEND provision within their own setting and/or that of a peer. This could be helpful across families of schools, for example across a Multi-Academy Trust. This training will equip you to support the review of provision with peers in the position as a peer reviewer.

A supported review can also be commissioned following the completion of SEND Reviewer Training. This comprises of a one day on site visit by a nasen specialist so that they can support the newly trained reviewer in each stage of their first review process from initial self-audit to reviewing provision face to face, identifying strengths and recommendations for development.

SEND Provision Quality Assurance Check

from £850

The Quality Assurance Check comprises of settings conducting their own review, following guidance from a nasen template. Once the setting has completed their review using the nasen template, a nasen specialist will work virtually with the reviewer(s) for half a day to review the findings and evidence base. The school will receive a short report outlining the agreed findings.

The Quality Assurance Check is for schools who are secure in their processes for monitoring but wish to have the reassurance that their judgements are accurate and in line with current thinking around what is effective provision for learners with SEND. In addition, the Quality Assurance Check would be useful for schools that have previously had an extensive SEND Review and wish to identify how they are progressing regarding implementing the recommendations around the identified areas for development.

Please leave your details if you are interested in any of the above

Are you based in the UK?
Full address / post code of setting(s)
Which product are you interested in?
Please include any additional information such as setting type, size of setting, any preferred dates etc

Contact us

If you are interested in any of our above services, or if you have any further questions please get in touch!