Assistive Technology Miniguide
This newly published miniguide, co-authored by Julia Clouter, Head of Education and Training for Scanning Pens, and Myles Pilling Specialist SEND ICT-AT consultant, is essential reading for anyone who works with or cares for children and young people with SEND. It dives into practical strategies, insights, and real-life examples of how AT can revolutionise support for learning differences. Whether you're an experienced practitioner in the classroom, a SENCO or just beginning your journey, this guide will help you embrace AT and harness its power to support accessibility and diverse learning needs.
The guide looks at the potential challenges around introducing AT within the classroom and provides a 4-step implementation plan, alongside a framework which can help match learner strengths and needs with AT tools to optimise access to and participation in learning. It also explores a range of inexpensive, accessible integrated AT tools that can be used within the classroom and signposts to many helpful organisations.