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Early Years Training

nasen is delighted to offer a comprehensive suite of Early Years training and resources to support local authorities with a strategic approach to developing SEND in PVI and school settings.

The suite has been developed in response to the challenges that local authority Early Years teams and their settings have been facing, and the needs they have been sharing with us, as we have entered a recovery period after the pandemic and in the light of the Revised EYFS Framework.

Our training is designed to support the full workforce in Early Years and to lead to excellent provision for children with SEND.

two young boys playing with wooden toys

Commissioning SEND Reviews for a group of EY settings

Are you a local authority or nursery chain? If so, commissioning a programme of supported SEND Reviews for all or some of your settings can help you to drive improvement for SEND. nasen structures a supported SEND Review programme which helps EY settings to:

  • Understand the process of review for SEND;
  • Co-conduct reviews, including peer reviews, thereby building sustainability through professional development;
  • Audit current provision and identify existing strengths;
  • Review provision and identify areas for development;
  • Action-plan, informed by actual review

The benefits of the programme of SEND Reviews are the opportunities to identify:

  • Good practice which can be shared across all settings in the group, and
  • Common training needs or other areas for development which could be collectively actioned.

Find out more about our SEND Review offerings

Group of Early Years children reading a book

The Golden Key Programme

Help inform, upskill, and empower early years staff within your local authority to make a positive impact for children and young people with SEND. 
nasen’s Golden Key programme is an online training programme of eight, live, interactive webinars for practitioners currently in the role of the Key Person in PVI and maintained school settings.

It’s perfect for those seeking to develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence in working with young children with SEND, so that they can feel confident in implementing the graduated approach (assess, plan, do, review) in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2015.

Stock image of an early years classroom with colouring pencils on a desk

The suite aims to:

two adults and a child sitting on grass
  • Upskill practitioners from schools and PVI settings, including child minders, in the legislation, identification and provision for SEND
  • Develop practitioners’ confidence in forming partnerships with parents, assessing and reviewing needs and working with outside agencies and other settings
  • Signpost practitioners and EY SENCOs to the wide range of freely available resources to support their work


  • Provide professional development for Early Years leaders and setting managers in strategic planning for SEND in the light of the EYFS reforms
  • Develop a ‘toolkit’ for new EY SENCOs to support them in their role, including staff development and the EHC plan process
  • Enhance the ‘toolkit’ of experienced EY SENCOs to support them in their role, including carrying out a SEND Review, developing effective co-production with parents and provision mapping
  • Provide support with strategic planning for sustainable improvement for local authority Early Years teams
Two parents crawling on floor with baby

CPD for EY practitioners in group and home settings

3 x 90 minute webinars covering:

  • Introduction to SEND legislation and inclusive provision including The SEND Code of Practice 2015, the Equality Act 2010 and the EYFS framework 2021
  • Identification of, and provision for, the most common types of SEND such as SLCN, Autistic Spectrum Condition and Learning and Cognition needs
  • Partnerships with parents including having sensitive conversations, effective co-production with parents and resources for supporting and signposting parents
  • Introduction to the wide range of nasen EY resources for practitioners


Price: £1,600

Group of EY Children reading a book with their education practitioner

CPD for EY leaders and setting managers

2 x 90 minute webinars covering:

  • Overview of statutory responsibilities of EY settings  including The SEND Code of Practice 2015, the Equality Act 2010 and the EYFS framework 2021
  • Strategic planning for SEND at setting level including the staff team, the identification of SEND, provision for SEND and parent partnerships
  • Implications of the EYFS reforms for SEND and DfE recommended documents to support practitioners
  • High Quality Teaching and Universal Provision
  • Overview of nasen resources for EY leaders including the SEND Review Guide ‘Summary of Effective Practice’ resource and Transition Package 

Price: £1,300

parent playing with child

CPD for EY SENCOs - New to the role

2x90 minute webinars covering:

  • Introduction to the statutory responsibilities of EY settings including the SEND Code of Practice 2015, the Equality Act 2010 and the EYFS framework 2021
  • The identification of needs including different types of observations and information-gathering
  • The provision for needs including making reasonable adjustments, the Graduated Approach and the Pyramid of Provision
  • The partnership with parents and referrals to outside agencies.
  • Staff development in SEND
  • The EHCP process  
  • Introduction to nasen EY resources for SENCOs including 5 hours of CPD to deliver to staff and the EY SENCO calendar


Price: £1,300

teacher with children drawing pictures

CPD for EY SENCOs - Experienced

2x 90 minute webinars covering:

  • Overview of statutory responsibilities of EY settings including the SEND Code of Practice 2015, the Equality Act 2010 and the EYFS framework 2021
  • Strategic planning for staff development in SEND
  • Parent partnerships and effective co-production
  • Working effectively with outside agencies
  • Carrying out a SEND review and developing an action plan for SEND
  • Implications of the EYFS reforms for SEND and DfE recommended documents to support practitioners
  • Overview of nasen resources for EY SENCOs including the SEND Review Guide and provision mapping document



Price: £1,300

group of people standing in a boardroom

CPD for LA staff

1x 90 minute webinar covering:

  • Strategic planning for sustainable improvement including an overview of the programme content and aims
  • Prioritising and planning
  • Using a multi-agency approach
  • Organising and maintaining momentum
  • Reviewing progress and sharing outputs
  • Overview of Early Years resources for leaders, practitioners and parents including any current DfE funded training and resources

Price: £999

Upcoming Early Years CPD

Three early years children playing with plastic balls

Early Years SEND Reviewer Training - Wolverhampton

07 Oct 2024
early years

This DfE funded training is available only to Early Years SENCOs from PVI and Early Years maintained school settings in Wolverhampton Local Authority.

A mother and her toddler daughter reading a book together

Early Years SEND Reviewer Training - Croydon

10 Oct 2024
early years

This DfE funded training is available only to Early Years SENCOs from PVI and Early Years maintained school settings in Croydon Local Authority.

two adults and a child sitting on grass

Meeting the Needs of Every Child (10am - 12pm)

11 Oct 2024
early years

This DfE funded online course is FREE to access and will provide Early Years Practitioners with an overview and understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.

baby playing on the floor

Meeting the Needs of Every Child (5pm - 7pm)

07 Nov 2024
early years

This DfE funded online course is FREE to access and will provide Early Years Practitioners with an overview and understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.

two children playing on with a toy on the floor

Meeting the Needs of Every Child (6pm - 8pm)

18 Nov 2024
early years

This DfE funded online course is FREE to access and will provide Early Years Practitioners with an overview and understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.

teacher playing with two children on a slide

Meeting the Needs of Every Child (9.30am - 11.30am)

11 Dec 2024
early years

This DfE funded online course is FREE to access and will provide Early Years Practitioners with an overview and understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.

close up of child with painted hands

Meeting the Needs of Every Child (9.30am - 11.30am)

10 Jan 2025
early years

This DfE funded online course is FREE to access and will provide Early Years Practitioners with an overview and understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.

parent cheering on child

Meeting the Needs of Every Child (6pm - 8pm)

27 Feb 2025
early years

This DfE funded online course is FREE to access and will provide Early Years Practitioners with an overview and understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.

Please complete the below form to get in touch

Full address / post code of setting(s)
Are you based in the UK?
Which product are you interested in?
Please include any additional information such as setting type, size of setting, any preferred dates etc