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Area SEND reviews show the challenges faced across the sector

The statistics from Local Area SEND reviews, which have just been published, make for disheartening reading. Since 2016, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have carried out joint inspections of SEND arrangements in 116 of 151 local areas in England. Of these, just over half (59 out of 116) have been found to have significant weaknesses and been required to submit a Written Statement of Action (WSoA). There is great variability in the weakness of provision at regional level with some areas having a WSoA being as low as 1 in 4 whereas others are seeing 4 out of 5 local authorities requiring them. During this time 21 areas have received a re-inspection with only 9 (42 percent) deemed to have made sufficient progress in addressing the significant weaknesses identified during the first inspection. 

All of this makes for worrying reading for the 15% of pupils across the England identified as having a special educational need and the figures show that the number of WSoA required has increased since they were introduced. 

The Green Paper consultation is welcomed although though is around accountability. Do keep your eye on our webpage to keep up to date with nasen’s response and the chance to have your say.