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Rockerbox News becomes first to achieve nasen Assured status

nasen Assured

nasen is delighted to announce the first recipient of 'nasen Assured' status, as part of the new nasen Quality Framework process, aimed at enhancing accessibility in products and services for individuals with special educational needs. 

Aligned with our mission to advocate for inclusivity and accessibility in education, nasen Quality Framework enhanced consultancy allows products and services to undergo a review by sector specialists. Upon review, the nasen team will provide specialist advice to optimise the accessibility of the product, resource or service, helping to ensure that it meets the needs of individuals with special educational needs. 

At the end of the process, the reviewed product or service may receive prestigious nasen Assured status. This allows the use of our logo, symbolising that the product has reached our required standard for accessibility. Valid for two years, this mark represents excellence in inclusivity. Furthermore, awardees will gain exposure on the nasen website and in nasen Connect magazine along with special recognition in the event brochures of nasen’s premier events, nasen LIVE and nasen Awards. 

Speaking of their achievement, Rockerbox Co-Founder Emma Halder said: 'We are thrilled to be the very first recipient of this prestigious mark of quality from nasen. Collaborating with nasen's education experts on this process has been invaluable. It has not only offered us a chance to reflect on our achievements but has inspired us to set ambitious goals as we strive to ensure that non-fiction reading materials are inclusive and accessible to every young person.' 
nasen Assured organisations can enjoy a 20% discount on advertising through nasen’s other communication channels.   

For more information about the nasen Quality Framework and how to participate in the program, please contact our team at