#NL2022: Exploring Flexible Seating in Mainstream Schools A Whole School Adaptation
- Webcasts
- 18 Jul 2022
These slides were presented by Heba Al Jayoosi at nasen Live 2022. If you like what you see, please come along to our flagship event next year! Keep an eye out in our newsletter or magazine to know when tickets are on sale.
Session Synopsis
Heba will share details of a whole school research project she has led at her school in collaboration with the Centre For Research in Autism and Education (CRAE), UCL.
The research explores the use of flexible seating as a whole school adaptation in an inclusive primary school. Join Heba as she shares the evidence and findings gathered so far.
Speaker Bio
Heba is the Assistant Headteacher and inclusion leader at London's Mayflower Primary School. She has taught in inner London primary schools since 2007, and holds a Masters in Special and Inclusive Education from University College London Institute of Education (IOE). Heba is passionate about research and implementing innovative practice. She has secured funding for a variety of school projects including the use of sensory integration to provide whole class support for children aged 3-7 years and helping children with special educational needs improve their recall strategies. She was awarded a Winston Churchill Fellowship in 2019 to look at inclusive practices in mainstream schools in New York for Autistic pupils. In 2021, received another grant from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to pilot a project at her school in collaboration with the Centre For Research in Autism and Education (CRAE), UCL.
Suitable for: A parent/carer, Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Early Years Practitioner, Education psychologist, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, Other, SENCO, Senior Leader, Student, Support staff, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Young person
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#NL2022: Exploring Flexible Seating in Mainstream Schools A Whole School Adaptation
- Webcasts
- 18 Jul 2022
These slides were presented by Heba Al Jayoosi at nasen Live 2022.