#NL2022: You can’t do SEND in a silo
- Webcasts
- 18 Jul 2022
These slides were presented by Rhian WIlliams at nasen Live 2022. If you like what you see, please come along to our flagship event next year! Keep an eye out in our newsletter or magazine to know when tickets are on sale.
Session Synopsis
In this session, Rhian will explore how SEND should, and can be, a strand that permeates every role within a school’s community.
Drawing on her experiences at Henley Bank High School, a former nasen Award winner, Rhian will discuss the importance of strategic planning of distributed leadership of SEND.
In addition, she will explore why the role of the SENCo is intrinsic to ensuring all students are included and enabled to thrive.
Speaker Bio
Rhian is the SEN Co-ordinator at Henley Bank High School, the winners of the 2021 The nasen Award for Secondary Provision and looks forward to sharing her knowledge. I am absolutely passionate about inclusion and ensuring that every child has their needs understood and met across the curriculum and are able to enjoy every aspect of their school day. Leading and developing the provision at Henley Bank High School, has been the pinnacle of my career so far.'
Suitable for: A parent/carer, Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Early Years Practitioner, Education psychologist, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, Other, SENCO, Senior Leader, Student, Support staff, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Young person
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