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Live Seminars: The 5 Golden Threads of Effective Practice for SEND in PVI settings

early years
5 Golden Threads
PVI Setting Case Studies

nasen is proud to announce a series of 3 live seminars that have been developed as part of the Early Years SEND Partnership Project funded by the DfE. 

The three sessions examine the following:

  • An introduction to effective practice in PVI settings and a closer look at the staff team as the first golden thread of effective practice for SEND
  • The importance of a strong parent partnership and the early identification of SEN
  • The provision for children with SEND and creative ideas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

The seminars are based on the findings of case studies which were carried out in PVI settings in 9 Local Authorities across the country.

All three seminars are each repeated once and offer Early Years professionals opportunities for discussion and the sharing of effective Early Years practice in meeting the needs of young children with SEND .

Please book a session below