nasen Recognised Teacher/Practitioner of SEND programme
This course is built around a deeper exploration of the implications of the An introduction to SEND in practice and Understanding and supporting universal needs. It has been developed to link with your day to day working practice – it encourages you to develop a resource or professional artefact (for example, a novel intervention; an assessment tool; a lesson plan template or a learning resource) which can be used in your setting.
Cost: £500

Module 1 - Introduction to SEND in Practice
This module covers essential elements of SEND, emphasising core aspects of excellent practice as well as providing a comprehensive overview of SEND in schools with reference to key legislation, central ideas around inclusion by design as well as recognising universal needs. There is a guided reflection document to accompany the module allowing you to record the development of your learning.
The sessions in this module are:
- Introduction to SEND Part 1
- Introduction to SEND Part 2
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND - Session 1 or High Quality Teaching to support pupils with SEND - Session 1
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND - Session 2 or High Quality Teaching to support pupils with SEND - Session 2
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND - Session 3 or High Quality Teaching to support pupils with SEND - Session 3
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND - Session 4 or High Quality Teaching to support pupils with SEND - Session 4
If you are on the Recognised Practitioner programme, please watch the Effective Support series.
If you are on the Recognised Teacher programme, please watch the High Quality Teaching series.
There are live sessions available for you to attend to contextualise the above sessions.
Please use the guided reflection document to record the development of your learning.
Module 2 - Understanding and Supporting Universal Needs
This module is comprised of four webcasts that focus on core messages that thread through all of our CPD; the focus on knowing the individual pupil, inclusion by design and recognising universal needs that we all have. There is a guided reflection document to accompany the module allowing you to record the development of your learning.
The sessions in this module are:
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Understanding Emotion Regulation
- Universal Support: strategies for all
- Introduction to Interoception
There are live sessions available for you to attend to contextualise the above sessions.
Please use the guided reflection document to record the development of your learning.
Module 3 - Development of a professional artefact
Your professional artefact, or resource, will allow you to demonstrate your learning in a practical way that is meaningful and beneficial to your work. Examples of professional artefacts include: a novel intervention; an assessment tool; a lesson plan template or a learning resource.
A development framework is provided to support you.
The sessions in this module are*:
- Live session 1 - Explanation of what is meant by 'professional artefact' along with an exploration of how to develop your artefact. The session will be very interactive and so you will have opportunity to ask questions and share ideas.
- Live session 2 - Following session 1, you will begin working on the development of your artefact. This group tutorial style session, again very interactive, will give the opportunity to further explore your ideas, problem any issues that may have arisen, be inspired, ask questions (as well as provide answers) and so on.
*Attendance at both live sessions is required in order to gain your certificate.
Additional content
All subscribers to the Recognised Teacher and Practitioner Award will receive access to the following content for the duration of 12 month subscription.
- Introduction to ADHD
- Introduction to autism
- Introduction to Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Introduction to dyscalculia
- Introduction to dyslexia
- Introduction to dyspraxia
- Introduction to Social, Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
- Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- An introduction to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) - free webinar
How to purchase
Through our website:
- Purchase a place on our nasen Recognised Teacher of SEND programme
- Purchase a place on our nasen Recognised Practitioner of SEND programme
For bulk purchases or other queries:
Please contact our CPD team who will be happy to assist you.