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Give your views on Improving Support for children missing education


A call for evidence has been launched by the Department for Education to improve the way children missing education (CME) are identified and supported. CME are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not in receiving suitable education otherwise. The call for evidence seeks comments, evidence and suggestions regarding:

  • How local authorities, schools and other agencies currently identify and support CME. 
  • The challenges that local authorities, schools and other agencies face in identifying and supporting CME. 
  • Suggestions as to how these challenges can be addressed and how best practice in identifying and supporting CME can be promoted.

There is a section of the questionnaire on Elective Home Education and the involvement of the local authority in managing and assessing the standards against the duty from section 7 of the Education Act 1996. This may be of interest to parents to provide evidence against.

The survey closes on 20th July 2023.