Key Changes in the New DfE Attendance Guidance
Effective today, the Department for Education (DfE) has implemented significant updates to school attendance guidance, aimed at enhancing student engagement and reducing absenteeism. The new guidance titled ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ came into force on 19th August 2024.
The key changes school leaders need to be aware of:
- Daily Attendance Data Sharing: All state schools in England are now required to share their daily attendance registers with the DfE, local authorities, and academy trusts. This initiative will create a comprehensive attendance data set to identify and support students at risk of persistent absence.
- Expanded Attendance Hubs: The DfE has increased the number of attendance hubs to 32, supporting over a million pupils. These hubs will share best practices and provide targeted support to schools, helping them address attendance issues more effectively.
- Legal Interventions: New regulations standardise the use of fines for unauthorised absences. Parents will face increased fines if their child misses five days of school without permission. The fines have been raised from £60 to £80 if paid within 21 days, and from £120 to £160 if paid within 28 days.
- National Attendance Ambassador: Rob Tarn, CEO of Northern Education Trust and founder of England’s first attendance hub, has been appointed as the national attendance ambassador. He will work with schools and school leaders to champion attendance, share effective practices, and support the ongoing development of the attendance hubs programme.
These changes underscore the DfE’s commitment to improving school attendance and ensuring every child receives a quality education. School leaders are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these updates and integrate them into their attendance strategies to foster a culture of consistent attendance and academic success.