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Share your experiences of accessing CPD on SEND!

As part of a wider research project funded by the Department for Education alongside nasen and Whole School SEND, University of Birmingham and Bath Spa University have launched a survey.

The aim of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the experiences of all of the school workforce including school leaders, teachers, governors, teaching assistants, lunchtime staff, and administrative staff in:

  • accessing continuing professional development (CPD) on special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  • accessing specialist SEND expertise at the point of need
  • the impact of both on SEND practice in the school.

The results of this survey and subsequent work will be used to inform policy development around SEND CPD and services with the intention that:

  • they are accessible to the workforce and is of high quality,
  • they contribute towards positive impacts on outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

The survey consists of 6 short sections and should take less than 20 minutes to complete.

Please help us to understand SEND-related CPD better by answering all the questions. The deadline for responses is 29th November.
If you have any questions, please email Graeme Dobson (University of Birmingham)