Updated Coronavirus Guidance
The Prime Minister’s announcement to move to Step 3 of the Roadmap has been reflected in the updated guidance for settings and updated operational guidance for specialist settings. The main changes that will come into effect from 17th May are:
- Face coverings will no longer be recommended for pupils and students in classrooms or communal areas in all schools. This may be reintroduced for a temporary period in response to particular local circumstances, such as variants of concern.
- Face coverings should continue to be worn on public transport and dedicated school transport for pupils aged 11 and over if not exempt.
- It is recommended that face coverings should be worn by staff and visitors in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing cannot be maintained.
- Essential workers, which includes anyone involved in education or childcare including students undertaking work placements in essential occupations, have priority access to testing.
- Domestic residential educational visits may commence subject to additional risk assessment and maintenance of bubbles. International visits are not recommended and will be reviewed in Step 4.
- All before and after-school activities can resume with supporting guidance given to minimise mixing.
- Changes to testing are that if a confirmatory PCR test is taken within 2 days of a positive lateral flow device (LFD) test, and it is negative, it overrides the LFD test and the individual can return to the setting.
All other preventative measures, such as more frequent hand-washing, lateral flow tests taken twice weekly, ‘bubbles’, high levels of ventilation, social distancing, etc. are to remain in place. It has also been reiterated that Ofsted will not resume their routine, graded inspections until September 2021.