What is the 'Universal SEND Services' Programme?
Too many children and young people with SEND continue not to achieve their ambitions, and not all schools and colleges are yet inclusive and welcoming of learners with SEND.
The aim of the Universal SEND Services programme is for all children and young people with SEND to attend education settings where:
- Leaders prioritise SEND in their improvement plans by acknowledging that SEND is everybody’s responsibility.
- The education and opportunities for children and young people with SEND are built into every policy, not added in afterwards.
- School and college leaders consider preparation for adulthood from the earliest stages when designing the curriculum and through other opportunities.
- They are taught by professionals who are reflective in their approach to meeting the wide range of needs in their class.
- Teachers are better equipped to identify needs earlier and can adapt their teaching to address and support these needs effectively.
- The expertise of parents and the voice of the learner is valued to pursue a truly co-produced educational experience.
What support is available through this programme?
A range of support and CPD opportunities is available to schools and further education settings over the course of the programme. As this is a Department for Education (DfE) funded project, participants may be contacted by an external evaluator to measure the impact and success of the project. By participating in any of the webinars, live sessions or other activities you are providing consent by default to have your data shared and be contacted by the DfE and/or the external evaluators to support the evaluation process.

Peer mentoring support for school leaders
We offer peer mentoring support to school leaders, specifically in schools where a judgment of Requires Improvement (where SEND was identified as an area for development) was received at their last Ofsted inspection. We hope that headteachers and others will value the opportunity to engage with our Regional SEND Leaders, and that this will translate over time into improved provision and outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

Resource update and exemplification
We have developed a wealth of resource materials over years of supporting the schools and further education workforce to develop inclusive practice. We remain committed to updating these existing resources, such as case studies and videos, to extend their relevance.
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