Meeting the Needs of Every Child
- Online
- 19 Apr 2021 (14:00 - 16:00)
This 2 hour webinar will provide Early Years Practitioners with a thorough understanding of inclusive practice for SEND in Early Years settings.
What does this webinar cover?
- Responsibilities of a PVI setting towards children with SEND
- The role of the SENCO and the key person
- What effective inclusive practice looks like in a PVI setting
- How to use nasen's free face-to-face training materials.
Who would benefit from this training?
- Early Years practitioners
- Childminders
- New PVI managers
This live webinar has the same content as the recorded webcast but gives delegates the chance to discuss questions raised with other Early Years practitioners and share their comments and views.
Suitable for: A parent/carer, Early Years Practitioner, SENCO