2022-23 SEN data released
The government have issued the latest full set of data relating to Special Education needs in England. This combines information from the school census (state-funded schools), the school level annual school census (independent schools) and the general hospital school census on pupils with special educational needs. The publication includes breakdowns by type of SEN provision, type of need, age, national curriculum year group, gender, ethnicity, English as a first language and free school meal eligibility.
The headlines show:
- Over 1.5 million pupils in England are identified as having SEND (an increase of 87,000 from 2022).
- Overall SEN percentage is up from 16.6% to 17.3%.
- EHCPs up from 4% to 4.3%.
- SEN Support up from 12.6% to 13%.
- Autism continues to be the primary need for the majority of children with an EHCP.
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs remains the most common type of need for SEN support. This is followed by Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.
- The data suggests that SEN is most prevalent at age 10, and continues to be more prevalent in boys than girls (although this gap is decreasing).
- Pupils with SEN continue to be more likely to be eligible for free school meals: EHCPs at 41.1% and SEN Support at 37.5% compared to 23.8% overall.
- SEN continues to be identified as more prevalent in the Traveller or Irish Heritage ethnic group
These statistics show a continuation of trends which began in 2016, suggesting further work is needed to ensure inclusivity and equity of provision across economic, ethnic and gender divides.
Look out for more in depth analysis in September’s edition of nasen Connect.