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Call for all Further Education Colleges to sign up to the student-led Access and Assistance for All Campaign Pledges to ensure accessible learning

By Aleks T,

Relaunch due to British Youth Council closure
After a temporary pause due to the closure of the British Youth Council, the Access and Assistance for All (AAA) campaign is now in full swing again, seeking further education colleges to support them in ensuring equal access to study materials.

Accessible Education across Further Education Colleges
As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” However, many students face significant obstacles in accessing education and learning materials, particularly those with learning differences and disabilities. In fact, based on findings by Thomas Pocklington Trust, 63% of college accessibility statements are considered poor (Technology and Accessibility in Further Education - Thomas Pocklington Trust). This lack of inclusivity disadvantages a huge number of students and limits their chances of reaching their full potential.
The benefits of assistive technology and accessibility by design
Assistive technology can help to create a level playing field for all and brings huge benefits to learning experiences and outcomes for students as Aleks, one of our student campaigners explains:

Meet Aleks, a marketing student and AAA campaign champion. At the age of 17, Aleks lost the majority of his eyesight which meant he could no longer use study materials as before. Fortunately, after discovering assistive technology, Aleks has successfully returned to and graduated from FE college. Now, Aleks, alongside other AAA champions, actively advocate for accessibility at all colleges, so that nothing will get in the way for future students on their educational journeys.

“Prior to assistive technology, I was always worried about any learning assignment. It took me ages to complete even a simple task- such as downloading a worksheet from the college’s website- and seeing my classmates so ahead of me was extremely demoralising and overwhelming.  Being introduced to appropriate accessibility tools and assistive technology took the majority of those worries away. Instead, all my efforts from that moment on went to the actual quality of assignments.” 
The Campaign
The student-led campaign, initiated by the British Youth Council and now run by Thomas Pocklington Trust, tackles the issue of inequality in education. A variety of resources have been put together and created by the campaign’s champions and supporters to both  inform and support colleges to improve their practices on inclusive learning. The AAA campaign has already received sign-ups from colleges and received support from national organisations. AAA’s current goal is to get at least 25 colleges in England to sign up. Any college can easily support the campaign by following five simple pledges.

The Five Pledges:

  1. Working Towards Making Learning Resources Accessible The campaign emphasises the importance of making study materials easily accessible for all students and compatible with assistive technology. AAA’s website provides guidance on best practices, and their knowledgeable team is happy to offer additional advice to colleges.
  2. Identifying an Accessibility Champion The AAA campaign asks colleges to appoint an accessibility champion who will promote the cause internally and be the point of contact for any queries.
  3. Learning About Assistive Technology Assistive technology is fundamental to accessibility. Understanding the types of assistive technology available and how they work can help colleges ensure compatibility with study materials and make informed recommendations to students.
  4. Using the AAA’s Template AAA has provided a template to ensure the college’s commitment to accessibility is visibly promoted across the college and students know how to get support.
  5. Raising Awareness Among Staff Many people struggle to understand the concept of accessibility accurately. AAA aims to break this barrier and asks colleges to inform all staff members about the initiative. AAA has provided materials to help understand the impact of accessibility and assistive technology on students.

Will your college support the campaign?
Signing up to the Access and Assistance for All campaign will support your college to become more accessible, improving outcomes for all students and the college as a whole. Every college that signs up will be listed as a supporter on the AAA website, will be able to display AAA’s supporters logo and will be able to receive any additional advice from the campaign team. To register your interest please email Cat Jamieson at: