Consultation on the proposed new ‘Advanced British Standard’
The government are wanting the views of professionals in shaping the proposed Advanced British Standard (ABS), a new Baccalaureate-style qualification framework for 16-19 year olds. The aims of the ABS are to:
- Bring together technical and academic routes into a single framework, taking the best of A levels and T Levels.
- Increase the number of taught hours for all students.
- Require students to study maths and English to the age of 18.
- Offer greater breadth, increasing the average number of subjects students take post 16, with students able to choose a combination of bigger and smaller subjects, called ‘majors’ and ‘minors’.
- Have a clear offer for all students.
The ABS aims to remove the parallel routes of A-levels and technical qualifications to increase the parity and breadth of opportunities for young people. The consultation is open until 20th March 2024.