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Professor Sir Steve Smith

Government reappoints Professor Sir Steve Smith as its International Education Champion


As International Education Champion, Sir Steve will continue to have a leading role in a 10-year strategy to both increase the number of international students choosing to study in the UK higher education system to 600,000 and increase the value of education exports to £35 billion per year by 2030. Sir Steve will continue to work with organisations across the breadth of the education sector, including universities, schools, the EdTech industry, vocational training, and early years schooling providers. Steve will also help target priority regions worldwide to build networks and promote the UK as the international education partner of choice. The role will additionally help to boost the numbers of international students in the UK.

nasen currently sits on the UK Skills Partnership and the Education Skills Advisory Group alongside Sir Steve Smith, which supports and promotes UK international education stakeholders to global partners, helping all to strengthen education and skills systems and foster social and economic growth domestically and internationally.

Learn more about nasen’s international offer and a copy of the Governmental “Unlocking Global Potential: The UK Education and Skills International brochure, which references the work of nasen alongside others.