Have your say - ‘How schools are coping with the impact of Covid-19 on the teaching of pupils with SEND: lessons for schools’
Have your say!
The Special Education Needs Policy Reference Forum (SENPRF), an independent sector expert forum jointly funded by nasen and the Pears Foundation, have published their report ‘How schools are coping with the impact of Covid-19 on the teaching of pupils with SEND: lessons for schools’ and are asking for your opinion. The paper has transcripts of the keynote talks by Dr Amelia Roberts, Centre for Inclusive Education, Dr Beate Hellawell, Lewisham Local Authority and Tricia Mahoney, Assistant Head and Inclusion Lead, Oakwood Primary School. There is then a summary of the forum members discussion the three areas of interest, namely:
- How have teachers, SENCos and head teachers been supported to cope with the teaching of pupils with SEN/disability?
- What lessons have been learned for the future provision for children and young people with SEN / disabilities?
- What are the conditions required to enable these lessons to be implemented in schools?
They have produced a questionnaire based on the report to see if you agree or disagree with the perspectives and whether you have any further comments on these matters.