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Help to shape future research in childhood deafness and hearing loss

hearing loss

The National Deaf Children’s Society have teamed up with the University of Manchester, Aston University and Lancaster University, to find out what the research priorities are in childhood deafness, according to the people with real experience. Children, parents, and professionals working with children with deafness and hearing loss, can all take part. The surveys are separated for parents, professionals, and carers, and primary and secondary for young people.

There is also the opportunity for children and young people aged between 7 and 16 to join a focus group. Each focus group will be deaf-friendly and child-friendly. We will be playing games, making things, talking in groups and doing some individual work. The focus groups are taking place in: 

  • Lancaster, Lancaster University – 22 June 
  • Edinburgh, Deaf Action – 29 June
  • Bristol, Elmfield School for Deaf Children – 12 and 13 July