Pupils with SEN more likely to be home educated
The Department for Education has released the newly collected census data from autumn 2024 around those young people in elective home education (EHE).
Local authorities reported 111,700 young people, which is an increase from an estimated 92,000 in the previous autumn term. While 19% had an unknown reason, 14% cited mental health issues and 14% were home educating for philosophical reasons. Only 1% cited risk of exclusion.
Of the cohort, 16% had an additional requirement of SEN Support, while 6% had an Education, Health and Care plan. This compares with 14% and 5% respectively for the overall school population.
New data published at the end of November 2024 showed that pupils with SEN and FSM eligibility continue to have some of the highest rates of suspensions and permanent exclusions.