Updated Coronavirus Guidance for Schools
In light of the emergence of the Omicron variant the government have updated it’s guidance for all schools and specialist schools. The changes came into effect on 29th November 2021 and will be reviewed in three weeks’ time.
The key changes are:
- Masks to return for pupils in year 7 and above in communal areas, for those that are not exempt
- Masks to return for all staff and visitors in all settings in communal areas
- Individuals identified as a close contact of suspected or confirmed cases of the Omicron variant will have to self-isolate immediately and be asked to book a PCR test – regardless of age or vaccination status
- International educational visits planned for the near future may need to be re-evaluated
- All booster vaccines for those aged 18 and above have been brought forward so you can receive your dose 3 months after the second vaccination
The change to isolation after having come into contact with the new variant may have a dramatic impact on schools over the lead up to Christmas and into the New Year. Schools have also been asked to provide on-site testing, as we saw in September, when pupils return in January.
The DfE stated that the new measures are “precautionary” and “subject to change as the situation develops”. It is hoped guidance for January will be released before the end of term to allow time for schools to implement any systems before their well-deserved break.