Updated Covid operational guidance for education settings
As education settings return to face to face teaching this month, the guidance document ‘Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak’ has been updated. This guidance applies to primary schools, secondary schools (including sixth forms), special schools, special post-16 providers and alternative provision, 16 to 19 academies, infant, junior, middle, upper schools and boarding schools.
Changes that come into force this term are:
- Face coverings in classrooms to be reintroduced for year 7 pupils and above and their staff
- All pupils from year 7 and above to be tested upon their return to school
- Pupils who have tested positive for Covid can return to school after day 7 following two consecutive negative LFD tests one day 6 and one on day 7
These changes may be of some help to support reduced staff absence in schools and for disruption to pupil’s education. However, there should be greater acknowledgement that for specialist settings where pupils may not be able to take LFD tests disruptions and absences may continue to be a difficulty. Equally the availability of LFD tests may also be impacting the sector’s ability to maintain education for the most vulnerable pupils.