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SEND Casework Award - November 2025

For any bookings or queries, please complete booking form below. Before making a booking, please ensure that payment has been authorised.

This award qualification which is designed specifically for those directly involved in SEND casework and casework management in Local Authority and IASS SEN teams. It is a way of developing and enhancing staff practice in implementing the SEND Code of Practice (2015) requirements.

The course will be delivered via 9 live online sessions and will provide successful candidates with a BTEC level 3 or 4 qualification.

Cost: £1295

Course dates and times

Introduction: 19th November 2025.

The dates for Workshops 1 - 8 are below. The course typically lasts one year.

Each session will run from 9.15 am until 12.15 pm, unless otherwise stated.

Workshop Date
Introductory Wednesday 19th November 2025
Workshop 1 Wednesday 17th December
Workshop 2 Wednesday 14th January 2026
Workshop 3 Wednesday 18th February 2026
Workshop 4 Wednesday 25th March 2026
Workshop 5 Wednesday 15th April 2026
Workshop 6 Wednesday 20th May 2026
Workshop 7 Wednesday 17th June 2026
Workshop 8 Wednesday 22nd July 2026

Delegates and their assessor must attend the introductory session.

In addition to the taught sessions, there will be opportunity to attend tutorial/support sessions, for both candidates and assessors, regarding gathering of evidence for portfolios and the role of the assessor. These will take place in the afternoon following sessions 2, 4 and 7. 

Assessment is via a portfolio of evidence which candidates are required to collate and submit.

Before booking, it is essential that potential candidates ensure that they have the support of a line manager who is willing to act as an assessor.

What does this webinar cover?

  • Technical and legal aspects of SEND assessment
  • The review and co-ordination process, with particular reference to the SEND Code of Practice (2015)
  • Interpersonal, communication and self-management skills required by staff for effective and excellent professional practice.

Who would benefit from this training?

  • Local authority and IASS SEND casework staff

For more information about the SEND Casework Award, please visit our dedicated page.

Where we receive an insufficient number of delegates, nasen reserves the right to make changes to event programmes or cancel.

For queries, please contact Louise (using the following email address: who will be happy to assist you.

Complete the form below to book your place

Prior to signing up for the course, candidates must ensure that: