Improving Outcomes for Learners with Vision Impairment (VI) at post-16 - Learning to Access
- Webcasts
- 12 Mar 2024
This webinar is for staff working with young people at post-16 in education, training or employment to explore how the learning environment and additional support can be put in place to ensure that staff and students feel confident and secure in their post-16 provision.
These webinars have been made possible through funding from Thomas Pocklington Trust, you can sign-up to their newsletter.
![Thomas Pocklington Trust logo [Blue text that reads 'TPT Thomas Pocklington Trust' on a transparent background]](https://asset.nasen.org.uk/styles/690_auto/public/media/2024-03/2023_tpt_logo_primary.png?itok=Y6bUGrT8)
Learning to Access - Ensuring all young people have opportunities to develop their own agency, voice and independence
- Utilising person-centred working to develop access to curriculum and support
- Further understanding of the importance and key steps in transition
- Awareness of best practice models of working with a QTVI – Case studies from Sheffield and Newcastle
- Developing packages of support for transition from setting to next place of study or employment
- Supporting wellbeing
Both webinars will include signposting around where and how to access local and national services to support and time for questions and answers. There will be breakout rooms utilised throughout to allow for contextual discussion.
This webinar is suitable for teaching staff, lecturers, support assistants, teaching assistants, careers advisors, transition managers, SENCOs, inclusion managers and all of those working with learners with VI in education, training or employment settings.
Once you have finished watching this recording please do complete our short evaluation, once this is completed you will be directed to download a certificate of attendance.
List of resources
Assistive Technology and Accessibility
- 14+ Exams FAQs
- Ability Net - Sight loss and computing - easy read version
- Accessibility in Further Education - 2022 All-Able
- Accessible revision guides June 23
- Assistive Technology - nasen miniguide - 2023
- Calculators VI Forum FAQs
- Delivering-Accessible-Learning-A-guide-for-FE-providers
- Design and Low Vision Aids - A Youth perspective - TPT 2016
- Environmental audit
- Learning_braille_courses_and_resources_for_children
- NatSIP - Guidance for effective support for TAs working with learners with VI
- NatSIP Guidance - Easy Access Technology
- NatSIP Guidance - Easy Access Technology Evaluation
- New Technology Article - Wearable maps - The Times newspaper
- New Technology Article - Wearable maps - The Times newspaper page 2
- Research paper - Self-reported use of technology by orientation and mobility clients in Australia and Malaysia - deverll et al - 202
- Supporting staff with a vision impairment - University of Edinburgh
- Technology and VI - SAVIE (Scottish Assoc for VI Education) - 2014
- Touch Typing Support
- Unconctracted braille playing cards
Careers in VI support
- New apprenticeships in MSI training - NDCS 2024
- Role of the QTVI - VIEW 2020
- Training Pathways - 2017 NatSIP
Curriculum Framework for VI
General Information
- My disability does not measure me - British Journal of Visual Impairment
- Sight Loss Councils - VI-Awareness-leaflet- Ask - Dont assume
- Student Panel - RNC Hereford - QTVI Open Day (Video)
Support for settings
- TPT Post 16 presentation - Sheffield Provision
- Exam access arrangements checklist 2023 FINAL
- JCQ Overview of evidence requirements 23 - 24 final
- AA regs Revision One Sep23 Final
- VI Specific Independence Outcomes - NatSIP 2016
- See it, find it, user it - recording sheet
- EHCPs assessment framework VI - NatSIP 2016
- Guidance for effective support for TAs working with learners with VI - NatSIP
- Access to Education - RNIB
- Just Enough Support - NatSIP
- Effective workplace communication for visual impairment - University of Edinburgh
- Blind and partially sighted students in post 16 - workshop slides - RNIB & TPT
- Top 10 Tips - NatSIP 2017
- A place to start - Working with a CYP with a sensory impairment - NatSIP - 2018
- Supporting the achievement of learners with VI in Higher Education - VICTA & NatSIP
- Exams calendar 2022 - 23 - for post 16 transition CPD
- 2021-09 What good looks like - observational schedule v P1
- Supporting transition from school to college, university and work - RNIB
- RNIB presentation on Post-16 transition and habilitation - RNIB 2023
- Practical Approaches to Transition - RNIB training notes 3.5.23
- Post 16 Transition Timeline - RNIB
- Moving On - A workshop pack for supporting young people in post-16 transitions - RNIB
- Slides from Look UK webinar - Primary to Secondary School - Supporting your VI Child through transition 2020
Wellbeing support
Suitable for: A parent/carer, Administration Staff, Adminstrator, Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Early Years Practitioner, Education psychologist, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, Other, SENCO, Senior Leader, Student, Support staff, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Young person
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Improving Outcomes for Learners with Vision Impairment (VI) at post-16 - Access to Learning
- Webcasts
- 21 Mar 2024
This webinar is for staff working with young people at post-16 in education, training or employment to explore how the learning environment & additional support can be put in place to ensure that staff & students feel confident in their post-16 provision.

Improving Outcomes for Learners with Vision Impairment (VI) at post-16 - Learning to Access
- Webcasts
- 12 Mar 2024
This webinar is for staff working with young people at post-16 in education, training or employment to explore how the learning environment & additional support can be put in place to ensure that staff & students feel confident in their post-16 provision.