Introduction to Social, Emotional Mental Health Needs
- Webcasts
- 01 Nov 2023
This webcast, suitable for SENCOs, teachers and support staff, will introduce SEMH, the many ways in which children and young people might experience need in this area and some ideas for support.
What will this course cover?
- What SEMH is and how you might identify it
- How SEMH affects learning
- Some simple strategies to support pupils with SEMH needs
What are the potential benefits to you and the children or young people you work with?
- You will have an introductory understanding of this common area of need
- You will feel more confident in identifying possible SEMH needs
- Pupils with SEMH are more likely to have their needs met effectively
Once you have finished watching this recording please do complete our short evaluation. This resource was first published in December 2021 and was last reviewed in November 2023.
Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Head Teacher, Newly Qualified Teacher, SENCO, Teacher, Teaching Assistant
SEND CPD on Demand
Get the highest quality CPD from experts at your convenience, with nasen's SEND CPD on Demand - The ultimate flexible training resource. With individual and school subscriptions starting at just £199 for individuals and £750 for schools, boost your learning with convenient access to over 70 pre-recorded SEND CPD sessions tailored to meet the needs of the entire education workforce.

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SEND CPD on Demand Content Guide
- Webcasts
- 31 Dec 2025
We’ve designed this subscription with the entire education sector in mind, but to help make your decision, about what content to access first, we have created a content guide.

Working with families: Effective and holistic practice - Your choice webinar recording
- Webcasts
- 26 Feb 2025
This session explores parent partnerships, and how to engage successfully with parents, alongside looking at person centred working and how to include parent/ carer voice in education. The session is for primary and secondary phases.
This resource is FREE with SEND CPD on Demand

Supporting writing skills in the classroom
- Webcasts
- 09 Dec 2024
This webcast is for teachers and teaching assistants to improve their understanding related to writing skills, what underpins effective writing, what challenges may be experienced by some children and young people, and how they can support.
This resource is FREE with SEND CPD on Demand