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Current programmes

Three primary school ages pupils working together in a science experiment class with 3 beakers on a table filled with green, orange and blue liquid

Universal SEND Services

The Universal SEND Services programme is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) aims to deliver our ambition of improving preperation for adulthood from the earliest years all the way through education, in a seamless joined up way. 


This programme is facilitated by Whole School SEND, working in partnership with the Education and Training Foundation (EEF) and Autism Education Trust (AET)

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Early Years SEND Partnership

nasen is proud to be part of the DfE-funded Early Years SEND Partnership Project led by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC). The other partners are I CAN, Contact, Dingley’s Promise and the National Children’s Bureau. nasen is currently working with Local Authorities from the nine regions across the country to develop their SEND provision at a strategic level.