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International Schools

Driving change involves empowering leaders with the knowledge, tools and methodology needed to embed improvements across areas and organisations.

The most important in-school factor in improving outcomes is effective teaching, including that of teaching assistants, teachers and early years practitioners. Strong leadership of inclusion issues from educational coordinators, headteachers, nursey managers, governors and trustees is also crucial.

Young boy with a back-back on walking towards school doors that are at the top of a set of wide stairs

Our Experience

COBIS - Logo

Council of British International Schools (COBIS)


Contracted to deliver high-quality continuing professional development (CPD) to International Schools, nasen International has produced a series of live webinars to over 30 countries to date, building on key principles of equality, neurodiversity and the social media of inclusion, as identified through a close consultation process. The resulting termly schedule explores the delivery of best practice in line with COBIS Patron's Accreditation and Compliance Standards.

Outcome & Impact

This outgoing project builds towards long-term inclusion through topics including 'High-Quality Inclusive Teaching' and 'Five Golden Threads for Inclusive Practice - Early Years'. Enabling leaders of inclusion to network and share best practice among member and non member schools, the training is now in its second year, and 97% of attendees would 'highly recommend' it to their peers.

Erasmus: Teacher Training and Attention in Autism


Addressing the deficit in provision for children and young people is nasen International's role for Erasmus - through the spread of accessible, accredited, vocational learning to groups within EU states and beyond. The project involves creating a research report on international best practice, and co-developing a free online intervention platform.

Outcome & Impact

Working in partnership with the University of Birmingham (UK), University of Tel Aviv (Israel), University of Western Macedonia (Greece) and University of Valencia (Spain), as well as partner schools from each nation, nasen International is using its knowledge of the education sector generally, and SEND in particular, to support the development of:

  • A report on current best practice of attention in autism in the four participating countries
  • A freely available, research-informed version of computerised progressive attentional training (CPAT), shown to be effective in increasing the attention skills of children and young people with autism, together with a detailed implementation protocol to be used by teachers and practitioner
  • A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), targeted at teacher professional development, in the topic of attention in autism

Both CPAT and the MOOC will be available for all schools across Europe and beyond by August 2022.

International membership

We are constantly striving to strengthen the work we undertake with professionals and help support with research, training and resources.

That’s why our work also spans the delivery of international programmes of support with membership available to international colleagues for £50 a year. 

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