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Twilight Talks: Supporting staff to assist learners with VI with the Thomas Pocklington Trust

  • Webcasts
  • 28 Jan 2025
Twilight Talks


  • To identify the support available through TPT for those supporting learners with VI
  • An opportunity to ask questions around needs within your setting

Suitable for:

  • Secondary SENCOs, Teachers, Support Staff
  • Local Authority (LA) SEND staff and SEND tutors
  • Further Education (FE) Additional Learning staff

This session will be delivered by representatives from the Thomas Pocklington Trust

Thomas Pocklington Trust

TPT is a leading advocate of equality for blind and partially sighted people. We are a charitable organisation with a dedicated staff team, over half of whom are blind or partially sighted, and we have over 200 dedicated volunteers who have lived experience of sight loss. Our mission is to support blind and partially sighted people to bring about equity and inclusion in every aspect of society.

Our work is focused on 

  • championing the needs and aspirations of blind and partially sighted people, fully recognising the depth and complexity of the challenges faced 
  • a leader in providing direct grants that target systemic change and improvements for blind and partially sighted people
  • ensuring blind and partially sighted people are able to thrive in education, fostering positive employment opportunities and promoting overall health and wellbeing, with timely health interventions when needed

You can read more about our Twilight Talks sessions on our dedicated page.

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Meet your trainer - Alex Henderson

Alex, Education Information Manager, has been part of Thomas Pocklington Trust’s Education team for 4 years, supporting many blind and partially sighted students along the way. He is registered blind and is passionate about empowering students to reach their full potential and has a keen interest in how technology can enable students to thrive.

Alex Henderson, Thomas Pocklington Trust

Meet your trainer - Aaron Lee

Aaron, Student Support Service Adviser, is an experienced member of the Student Support Service at Thomas Pocklington Trust. Alongside colleagues, he delivers high quality information, advice, and guidance, to blind and partially sighted students, parents, and the professionals who contact our service. Visually impaired himself, Aaron wants to see a future where all blind and partially sighted students have the means to succeed and live the life they want to lead.

Aaron Lee, Thomas Pocklington Trust

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