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Early Years Training and Resources

nasen offers a range of training opportunities and resources specifically for leaders and practitioners, working in the Early Years (EY).

Group of EY Children reading a book with their education practitioner

Early Years SEND Partnership

nasen is proud to be part of the DfE-funded Early Years SEND Partnership Project led by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC). The other partners are:

  • Contact
  • Dingley’s Promise
  • National Children’s Bureau (ncb)
  • Speech and Language UK

nasen is currently working with Local Authorities from the nine regions across the country to develop their SEND provision at a strategic level through Regional Action Learning Sets and Specialist Action Learning Sets.

two children with adult female

The Golden Key Programme

Help inform, upskill, and empower early years staff within your local authority to make a positive impact for children and young people with SEND. 
nasen’s Golden Key programme is an online training programme of eight, live, interactive webinars for practitioners currently in the role of the Key Person in PVI and maintained school settings.

It’s perfect for those seeking to develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence in working with young children with SEND, so that they can feel confident in implementing the graduated approach (assess, plan, do, review) in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2015.

Stock image of an early years classroom with colouring pencils on a desk

Commissioning SEND Reviews for a group of EY settings

Commissioning a programme of supported SEND Reviews for all or some of your settings can help you to drive improvement for SEND. nasen structures a supported SEND Review programme which helps EY settings to:

  • Understand the process of review for SEND;
  • Co-conduct reviews, including peer reviews, thereby building sustainability through professional development;
  • Audit current provision and identify existing strengths;
  • Review provision and identify areas for development;
  • Action-plan, informed by actual review

The benefits of the programme of SEND Reviews are the opportunities to identify:

  • Good practice which can be shared across all settings in the group, and
  • Common training needs or other areas for development which could be collectively actioned.
parent playing with child

Upcoming CPDL and latest Resources for Early Years

Early Years miniguides

We have a selection of free miniguides around the topic of early years.

child reading book with their parents