Preparation for Adulthood: their future is in our hands
As educators, we’re constantly striving to prepare the young people we work with for their next steps – from the earliest years in nursery or primary school all the way through to the final days in further or higher education.
It’s often easy to think of these next steps as being limited to the transitions from one year, phase or setting to the next, and indeed all of these critical milestones – and the way that they are managed – do help to shape the social, emotional and personal development of a young person.
But one aspect of our ‘preparation’ transcends all phases, ages and stages and is something we all need to make part of our day-to-day business, and that is preparation for what lies beyond the school gates: adulthood.
We've collated these resources to mark National Careers Week 2024 (4-9 March) but helping to light the way to brighter futures for learners is a theme that is always relevant.