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Information summary for transition

  • General
  • 23 Nov 2023

This is a useful tool which you could use to summarise and collate the essential information you need about children and young people with SEND at transition points.

Transitions can be difficult and stressful, particularly for children and young people with SEND and their parents or carers. It is vitally important that as SENCo, you are able to capture all of the essential information you need so that you can prepare as well as possible for new entrants to your school or setting. It can be very helpful to have a simple form on which to collate this information, as this will help you to check that you haven't missed anything. It will also enable you to look for patterns of needs in the incoming group, which will inform your planning for the new year. 

Start thinking about transition as early as possible in the year, especially for that particularly challenging primary/secondary point. Ideally, you will meet with the SENCos of the feeder schools or settings, as well as the children and young people themselves, and their parents or carers where appropriate. These meetings will provide you with a wealth of information, much of which will be qualitative, and this form is not intended to replace this, it simply offers you a means of summarising the key points.

This resource was first published in January 2018 and was last reviewed in November 2023.

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  • General
  • 23 Nov 2023

An useful tool which you could use to summarise and collate the essential information you need about children and young people with SEND at transition points.

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