Supporting Effective Delivery Of The New Statutory RSHE Curriculum For Pupils With SEND – Secondary Focused
- Webcasts
- 19 Mar 2021
This 90-minute webinar will support schools and professionals to effectively deliver the new statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) for pupils with SEND.
Who is it for?
These webinars are ideal for PSHE leads, SENCOs, SLT and those with a responsibility for supporting the roll-out of the RSHE curriculum. Colleagues from both mainstream and special or alternative provision settings are welcome to attend, and each region will have a primary focused and a secondary focused webinar.
You will benefit from:
- increased understanding of the new curriculum requirements for statutory Relationships (and Sex Education) and Health Education
- greater confidence in making this learning accessible for pupils with SEND
- resources to disseminate and support delivery with a focus on pupils with SEND
- dedicated time for discussion with colleagues in your region
Who is running the training?
The Department for Education has funded nasen and the PSHE Association to work in partnership to design and deliver this training.
nasen are the National Association for Special Educational Needs, a charitable membership organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences.
The PSHE Association is the national body for PSHE education. A charity and membership organisation, the Association supports over 50,000 PSHE professionals with training, resources, guidance and advice.
So that we can get a clear national picture of the current situation regarding the implementation of the RSHE curriculum, we would really appreciate it if you could complete this very short pre-training questionnaire.
After watching the webinar recording, please complete the evaluation to download your certificate.
Please visit the webinar resource links in the document below.
Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Education psychologist, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, SENCO, Senior Leader, Support staff, Teacher, Teaching Assistant
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Supporting Effective Delivery Of The New Statutory RSHE Curriculum For Pupils With SEND – Secondary Focused
- Webcasts
- 19 Mar 2021
This 90-minute webinar will support schools and professionals to effectively deliver the new statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) for pupils with SEND.

Supporting Effective Delivery Of The New Statutory RSHE Curriculum For Pupils With SEND – Primary Focused
- Webcasts
- 19 Mar 2021
This 90-minute webinar will support schools and professionals to effectively deliver the new statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) for pupils with SEND.