![SEND CPD on Demand Content Guide image [a stock image of a group of people sitting around a table working on notepads]](https://asset.nasen.org.uk/styles/690_250/public/media/2023-05/SEND%20CPD%20on%20Demand%20Content%20Guide.png?h=9a5e55af&itok=g3RkVxWl)
- Autistic learners and the mainstream setting
- Building a culture of inclusion
- Cognitive Load and SEND
- Effective deployment of support Staff
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 1
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 2
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 3
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 4
- Effective Target Setting for children and young people with SEND
- Graduated Approach and SEMH
- High Quality Teaching Session 1
- High Quality Teaching Session 2
- High Quality Teaching Session 3
- High Quality Teaching Session 4
- Inclusive Maths for Primary settings: Literacy-based needs & SATs
- Inclusive Maths for Primary settings: Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) and support in maths
- Inclusive Maths for Primary Settings: Strategies for Learners with SEND
- Inclusive Maths for Primary Settings: Supporting Autistic learners within maths and problem-solving strategies
- Inclusive Maths for Primary Settings: Supporting learners with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) within maths
- Inclusive practice for mainstream classrooms - Your choice
- Inclusive Questioning
- Introduction to ADHD
- Introduction to autism
- Introduction to Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Introduction to Dyscalculia
- Introduction to dyslexia
- Introduction to dyspraxia
- Introduction to Interoception
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Introduction to sensory processing
- Introduction to Social, Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 1
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 2
- Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Principles of Person Centred Working
- Supporting attention and focus in the classroom
- Supporting children and young people with motor coordination difficulties
- Supporting reading comprehension in the secondary school
- Supporting spelling in the classroom
- Supporting working memory within the classroom
- Supporting writing skills in the classroom
- Targeted support - Primary
- Targeted Support - Secondary
- Targeted Support - College
- Understanding Emotion Regulation
- Universal Support: strategies for all
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
- Cognitive Load and SEND
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 1
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 2
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 3
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 4
- Effective Target Setting for children and young people with SEND
- Introduction to Interoception
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Introduction to sensory processing
- Introduction to Severe and/or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (S/PMLD)
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 1
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 2
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Principles of Person Centred Working
- Social, Emotional Health Needs (SEMH) in Special School Settings
- Supporting attention and focus in the classroom
- Supporting Minimally Verbal autistic pupils Part 1
- Supporting Minimally Verbal autistic pupils Part 2
- Supporting reading comprehension in the secondary school
- Supporting spelling in the classroom
- Supporting working memory within the classroom
- Supporting writing skills in the classroom
- Targeted Support in Specialist Settings
- Teaching English and Drama in Specialist settings
- Teaching Maths in Specialist Settings
- Understanding Emotion Regulation
- Understanding severe and/or profound and multiple learning difficulties (S/PMLD)
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
- 10 Top Tips for Inclusion in Early Years Settings
- Cognition and Learning in the Early Years
- Cognitive Load and SEND
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 1
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 2
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 3
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 4
- Effective Target Setting for children and young people with SEND
- Inclusive Questioning
- Introduction to ADHD
- Introduction to autism
- Introduction to Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Introduction to Dyscalculia
- Introduction to dyslexia
- Introduction to dyspraxia
- Introduction to Interoception
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Introduction to sensory processing
- Introduction to Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH)
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 1
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 2
- Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Principles of Person Centred Working
- Sensory Needs in the Early Years
- Targeted support - Primary
- Targeted Support - Secondary
- Targeted Support - College
- Understanding Emotion Regulation
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
- Building a culture of inclusion
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
- Effective deployment of support Staff
- Governance of SEND Part 1
- Governance of SEND Part 2
- Inclusive practice for mainstream classrooms - Your choice
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 1
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEND) Session 2
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Overview of the latest SEN data
- SEND and bullying
- Understanding Emotion Regulation
- Working with children, young people and families
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
- Building a culture of inclusion
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
- Effective deployment of Support Staff
- Inclusive practice for mainstream classrooms - Your choice
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Principles of Person Centred Working
- School Improvement for SEND: SENCO Guidance for School Inspection Session 1
- School Improvement for SEND: SENCO Guidance for School Inspection Session 2
- School Improvement for SEND: SENCO Guidance for School Inspection Session 3
- SEND and bullying
- Understanding ADHD
- Understanding Autism
- Understanding Dyslexia
- Understanding Dyspraxia
- Understanding Social, Emotional Mental Health Needs
- Understanding Speech, Language and Communication Needs
- Universal Support: strategies for all
- Working with children, young people and families
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
- 10 Top Tips for Inclusion in Early Years Settings
- Building a culture of inclusion
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
- Effective deployment of Support Staff
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 1
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 2
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 3
- Effective support for children and young people with SEND: Session 4
- Effective Target Setting for children and young people with SEND
- Graduated Approach and SEMH
- High Quality Teaching Session 1
- High Quality Teaching Session 2
- High Quality Teaching Session 3
- High Quality Teaching Session 4
- Inclusive practice for mainstream classrooms - Your choice
- Inclusive Questioning
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Introduction to Severe and/or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (S/PMLD)
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Overview of the latest SEN data
- Principles of Person Centred Working
- School Improvement for SEND: SENCO Guidance for School Inspection Session 1
- School Improvement for SEND: SENCO Guidance for School Inspection Session 2
- School Improvement for SEND: SENCO Guidance for School Inspection Session 3
- SEND and bullying
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 1 Session 1
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 1 Session 2
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 1 Session 3
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 2 Session 1
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 2 Session 2
- Strategic development for SENCOs Part 2 Session 3
- Strategic development for SENCOs Part 3 Session 1
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 3 Session 2
- Strategic Development for SENCOs Part 3 Session 3
- Supporting Minimally Verbal autistic pupils Part 1
- Supporting Minimally Verbal autistic pupils Part 2
- Targeted support - Primary
- Targeted Support - Secondary
- Targeted Support - College
- Understanding ADHD
- Understanding Autism
- Understanding Dyslexia
- Understanding Dyspraxia
- Understanding severe and/or profound and multiple learning difficulties (S/PMLD)
- Understanding Social, Emotional Mental Health Needs
- Understanding Speech, Language and Communication Needs
- Universal Support: strategies for all
- Working with children, young people and families
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
- Autistic learners and the mainstream setting
- Introduction to ADHD
- Introduction to autism
- Introduction to Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Introduction to Dyscalculia
- Introduction to dyslexia
- Introduction to dyspraxia
- Introduction to neurodiversity
- Introduction to Severe and/or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (S/PMLD)
- Introduction to Social, Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
- Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Supporting attention and focus in the classroom
- Supporting children and young people with motor coordination difficulties
- Supporting Minimally Verbal autistic pupils Part 1
- Supporting Minimally Verbal autistic pupils Part 2
- Supporting reading comprehension in the secondary school
- Supporting spelling in the classroom
- Supporting working memory within the classroom
- Supporting writing skills in the classroom
- Understanding ADHD
- Understanding Autism
- Understanding Dyslexia
- Understanding Dyspraxia
- Understanding severe and/or profound and multiple learning difficulties (S/PMLD)
- Understanding Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Needs
- Understanding Speech, Language and Communication Needs
- Universal Support: strategies for all
For more details about the content within this theme please visit the dedicated page.
As a nasen member you can suggest topics for future webinars.
Once a term, our Education team will pick a topic from this list and produce a live webinar.
The recording (available to purchase individually for £50) will be added to our library of webinar recordings.